Please call 311, go to, or use the 311 app (this is free to download and use). Download the app now on Google Play for Android, or on the iTunes store for Apple.
Call 911 immediately— let the police decide on how to proceed
This is currently being revised by the city. Information is very limited at this time. or 214-671-3060
January 22, 2014 the Dallas City Council passed an ordinance requiring anyone soliciting within the city limits of Dallas to register with and obtain a solicitor’s permit from the City of Dallas. The only exceptions to this ordinance would be charitable and non-profit organizations. If you would like to prohibit solicitation at your home please refer to Section 42-14(a) of the Dallas City Code which states:SEC. 42-14. EXHIBITING SIGNS PROHIBITING HOME SOLICITORS.(a) Any person desiring to prohibit home solicitations on the person’s residential premises shall exhibit in a conspicuous place upon or near the front or main entrance to the residential premises a weatherproof sign containing the words, “NO SOLICITORS OR HANDBILLS,” or any similar notice indicating that the occupants of the premises do not desire to be bothered, have their right of privacy disturbed, or have commercial printed matter left upon the premises.Please be aware that in accordance to this City Ordinance EACH resident must place this sign on their residence to prohibit home solicitations. Posting general no solicitation signs in a neighborhood or having a neighborhood policy to prohibit solicitations is not in accordance to the Dallas City Code and cannot be enforced. For further information regarding the Home Solicitations Ordinance you may go to:
Lake Park Estates Neighborhood Police Officer
Kevin Kelley #9419
Northeast Patrol Division
Dallas Police Department
Google Groups is reserved for neighborhood sanctioned events and city activities (not for private business). Paid ads can be placed in the newsletter which is delivered to all homes 4x year, or put on free of charge.